Hygiene at Beauchamp Foot Care

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

If you think you might have Coronavirus, do a test as soon as possible. If positive, please do not visit our clinic until you are well again. Thank you for your understanding.

If you have visited us before, you know that we take our hygiene very seriously here at Beauchamp Foot Care. There’s a world of difference between the level of skill, expertise and hygiene found at a typical nail or pedicure salon and what you receive from a team of medically trained chiropodists and podiatrists.

Here are 5 major differences between a chiropodist service and your average nail bar's level of hygiene:

  1. We sterilise our instruments via an autoclave and put them in individual pouches.

  2. Single use sterile scalpel blades and burring caps (to thin the nail) are used. New surgical gloves are worn for each patient.

  3. Brand new buffers, emery boards, and toe separators are used for each pedicure.

  4. Our footbaths are non-whirlpool and are bacterially sprayed between use.

  5. We also give a free pair of wearable flip-flops to those who need them.

Building a relationship with a Beauchamp Foot Care chiropodist rather than visiting your local nail bar is a sound idea. It gives you peace of mind that your feet are being looked after by medical professionals who have the right qualifications and adhere to high standards of hygiene, plus it doesn’t cost much more than an ordinary pedicure in a salon. If you add into it that you can also get fantastic looking feet that look a million dollars, in our opinion it’s a much better choice to visit our foot care clinic than a nail bar.

For more information or to book an appointment call us on 020 7225 0794 or use our contact form.




Photo by Refia Elif Yigit